Information For Parents

If you are looking for a martial arts academy where children can train in an atmosphere that carefully balances fun, safety, and effective training, Yoseikan-Ryu Karate should be your choice.

Karate for Children

Yoseikan-Ryu Karate’s goal is to provide a positive environment with a student focused curriculum aimed at assisting each student in reaching their full potential. Karate for children is ideal and we aim to make sure each child is well guided.

Changing Lives and the Community

When students come to train they’re greeted by friendly instructors who provide a fun and supportive learning environment. Our goal of changing lives through martial arts is evident in every class. Success for us is determined by how well students take what they learn in the dojo – character, confidence, integrity, self-control, humility and perseverance and apply it out of the dojo.

We still teach traditional karate with an emphasis on the importance of learning the techniques properly.

As parents we expect that our kids will come across different challenges in life. However, with RESILIENCE they can bounce back and adapt to overcome these obstacles.

We build resilience by presenting and supporting our students through appropriate physical and mental challenges within a safe learning environment.

We believe in preparing children for the future. Children need to learn that if you don’t succeed the first time, try again. Your child will become more willing to try and excel, and their fear of failure will diminish.

Yoseikan-Ryu Karate classes can help improve concentration and focus. We teach students to be mindful and present in the moment so that they can achieve their goals in karate, school, and anything they set their mind to!

Quality Fun Program

The majority of students just want to belong to a program that they can fully participate in. They love that martial arts training is all about what they can do and when they come to class they know they won’t be sitting on the bench.

Our program has a place for everyone irrespective of their individual skill or fitness level. Our qualified instructors know how to provide the right combination of fun and discipline into their classes which enables the student to learn at their own pace.

Benefits for Children

Your child will benefit from Yoseikan-Ryu Karate in many ways. Physicians and psychologists recommend Karate for children as a way to help them achieve social, physical, mental, and emotional growth. Their attention span, and ability to sit still and learn will increase through the self-discipline that they will develop as they train. As their karate skills improve, so will their self-image.

Bully-Proof Your Child

We do not promote the use of violence, however, having martial arts knowledge will help your child feel more self-assured. If your child does need to defend themselves, the practice on the mat will provide a level of safety by allowing them to perform the moves instinctively when threatened.

State of the Art Martial Arts Centre

Our dojo in Malaga provides a training centre that incorporates a traditional ambience with modern facilities. It has two training areas, a well-equipped gymnasium, a martial arts shop and finally a meeting/social area.